Care + Support

Supporting one another through the trials of life

Riverland Hills is a welcoming community that takes the Lord's command to "love one another" seriously.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

Grief Share

Sundays August 11 – November 10 (13 Weeks) |  3:00-4:30 PM  |  Room B201

It can be difficult to be hopeful about the future, especially when you have lost a spouse, child, or friend. You may feel isolated and convinced that few understand the deep pain you feel. GriefShare can help you face the challenges that lie ahead as you seek to rebuild your life.

Register Here

Would you like to make a life-changing impact in the lives of those who are hurting? Then consider becoming a part of our Grief Share leadership team.
To learn more about these ministries, please contact Kate Green @ (803) 772.3227. Training will be provided.

Surviving the Holidays

November 17  |  3:00-5:30 PM  |  Room B201

When you are grieving a loved one’s death, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays event helps participants discover how to deal with emotions, what to do about traditions, helpful tips for surviving social events, and how to find hope for the future.

Register Here

Comfort for a Parent’s Hurting Heart

An understanding and loving place where parents who have lost children can find valuable support and guidance for the journey ahead. 

For more information, please contact Kate Green

Divorce Care

Sundays August 11 – November 10 (13 Weeks) |  3:00-4:30 PM  |  Room B208

Separation and divorce are extremely painful. It’s a confusing stressful time, filled with questions and uncertainty. DivorceCare provides a safe place for those experiencing separation and divorce to receive guidance and support in one of the most difficult seasons in life.

Register Here

Would you like to make a life-changing impact in the lives of those who are hurting? Then consider becoming a part of our Divorce Care leadership team.
To learn more about these ministries, please contact Kate Green @ (803) 772.3227. Training will be provided.

Anna's Tea

A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Come to the Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month, starting September 9th through May 12th, from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Enjoy a light meal, some tea, of course, entertainment, and possibly making a craft or two – all while meeting new friends. This event is free but registration is required. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office, or email Kate.

** Please note that October’s event will be held on October 7th, and not the second Monday of that month. February’s Valentine’s Banquet will start at 12:30 PM instead of 1:30 PM.

The next Anna’s Tea will meet on November 11th, 2024.

Register Now for November!


A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Come to the Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month, starting September 12th through May 8th, from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Enjoy a light meal, some tea, of course, entertainment, and possibly making a craft or two – all while meeting new friends. This event is free but registration is required. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office, or email Linda.

Valentine’s Banquet

In February, we have an extra special time!  Our Valentine’s Banquet is on February 12th.  The fun begins at 12:30; note that this is an earlier start time, and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Registration is now closed.

March Anna’s Tea

A sweet time of fellowship for widows.  Gather with friends on May 13th at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall as we sip some tea, eat some light refreshments, have some laughs, and enjoy some entertainment! No cost, but registration is required.

Register Now for May!

If you have any questions or need to cancel, please call the church office or email Linda.

A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Gather with friends from September through May as we sip some tea, eat some light refreshments, have some laughs, and enjoy some entertainment! 

Anna’s Tea will meet again on September 9th, 2024. Look for registration to begin in August!


Financial Peace University (FPU)

Sundays TBD  |  4:00 PM  |  Room TBD

We all need a plan for our money, and Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be.

FPU is now free to you as a gift from Riverland Hills!

Activate your free Ramsey+ Membership first, and then click the button below to sign up for FPU at no cost!

Register Here!

I cry out to the LORD. I plead for the LORD’s mercy. I pour out my complaints before Him and tell Him all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn.

Psalm 142:1-3a

Pastoral Counseling

If you are asking the question “Where can I turn for help?” – we want you to know that your pastors here at Riverland Hills care about you, and are always available to meet with you and listen and offer biblical, pastoral advice.  Many problems in life can be effectively addressed in this kind of setting.  However, as Christians, we sometimes go through difficult times and need the focused care of trained professionals.  
There are a number of local, licensed counseling professionals that we have a relationship with in the greater Columbia area and we will be glad to assist you in finding the right counselor for you and your particular needs.  Please keep in mind that although there is no charge for pastoral counseling, there is a cost for counseling services provided by outside counseling centers and professionals.  Most of these organizations accept insurance to cover or help cover the costs of their services.  
Whatever you may be facing, our prayer is that you will experience God’s incredible healing power through either pastoral counseling or professional Christian counseling.  Please let us know how we can help.

Benevolence Ministry

Assistance for our church family

During those hard times, you are not alone. It may be that you are recently widowed, separated, divorced, newly married, or you may just need some help or financial guidance. Thanks to the generosity of Riverland Hills, we’re able to provide financial assistance to members in need. Plus, our Financial Coaching Ministry is here to serve and walk with you. If we can be of service, please contact Rest assured that we will keep your situation confidential.

Assistance for our community

Thanks to the generosity of Riverland Hills, we are able to provide financial assistance to those in need throughout the Irmo area. We have appointment times available on Wednesdays each week to meet with someone who cares. Call the Church Office for more information. (803) 772.3227

Bill Haselden

Pastoral Care & Senior Adult Pastor

Kate Green

Pastoral Care & Senior Adult EXECUTIVE ADMIN. ASSISTANT


Can we pray for you?

We're eager to pray for you, let us know how we can pray.

Join our support team

Make a life-changing impact in the lives of those who are hurting.