
celebrate the birth of our risen lord

RH Kids Christmas Eve Services

December 24  |  3 PM & 4:15 PM  |  Worship Center East

Come be a part of this family service as we celebrate the birth of Christ, led by our 5th graders presenting the story of the Nativity.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24 | 8:00 PM | Worship Center West

Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service as we celebrate the birth of Christ through music led by our choir and orchestra.

Christmas Eve at Riverland Hills

RH Kids Christmas Eve Service

December 24  |  3:00 PM |  Worship Center West

Come be a part of this family service as we celebrate the birth of Christ, led by our 5th graders presenting the story of the Nativity. All ages welcome!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24  |  8:00 PM  |  Worship Center West

Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service as we celebrate the birth of Christ through music led by our choir and orchestra.

Christmas Eve Morning Services

December 24 | 9:30 AM | Worship Center West
December 24 | 11:00 AM | Worship Center East

On the morning of Christmas Eve, we will have two opportunities to worship with us at 9:30 and 11:00! There will be no 9:30 service in Worship Center East this morning. We’ll only have Sunday School for 4k and younger. No Sunday School or Life Groups for any other ages. We look forward to worshiping together with your families!

RH Kids Christmas Eve Service

December 24  |  3:00 PM |  Worship Center West

Come be a part of this family service as we celebrate the birth of Christ, led by our 5th graders presenting the story of the Nativity. All ages welcome!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

December 24  |  8:00 PM  |  Worship Center West

Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service as we celebrate the birth of Christ through music led by our choir and orchestra.

Christmas Event Calendar

RH Kids Winter Wonderland

December 6  |  5:30-7:30 PM   |  Atrium

Come join us for a family fun drop-in. Your family will enjoy a Christmas craft, cookie decorating, mission project, photo booth, and more!

We can’t wait to see you all!

No registration is necessary!

Good News of Great Joy

December 7  |  3:00 PM  |  Worship Center West
December 8  |  5:00 PM  |  Worship Center West

“I bring you good news of great JOY!” This was the message that the angels sang to a dark and hopeless world at the first Christmas, and it is the message that we continue to sing today. Jesus, the joy of Christmas, has come and desires that you know His joy to the fullest. We invite you to come and experience GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY, an intergenerational Christmas presentation by the Riverland Hills Adult Choir, Orchestra, Student and Children choirs.

*Childcare for 4k and under. Reservations are required for childcare only (space is limited).

“It Came to Pass…”

December 14  |  3:00 PM  |  Worship Center East
December 15  |  6:00 PM  |  Worship Center East

Jesus came to us 2000 years ago, and He will come again – both according to what God said. Come listen, come sing, come rejoice as our musicians and pastors share how what God says will always “come to pass.” Let us adore Him!

*Childcare for 4k and under. Reservations are required for childcare only (space is limited).

Christmas Eve at Riverland Hills

December 24

RH Kids Christmas Eve Service | 3:00 PM | Worship Center West
Candlelight Service*
 | 8:00 PM | Worship Center West

*No childcare provided

Christmas Eve at Riverland Hills

December 24

Traditional* | 9:30 AM | Worship Center West
| 11:00 AM | Worship Center East
RH Kids Christmas Eve Service
| 3:00 PM | Worship Center West
Candlelight Service**
| 8:00 PM | Worship Center West

*Sunday School only for 4K and younger. No Sunday School or Life Groups for other ages.
**No childcare provided

New Year’s Eve Services

December 31

Traditional* | 9:30 AM | Worship Center West
| 11:00 AM | Worship Center East

*Sunday School only for 4K and younger. No Sunday School or Life Groups for other ages.

Looking for ways to give this Christmas?

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Every year we collect a special Lottie Moon offering that supports our Southern Baptist international missionaries. Your gift helps support IMB journeymen, including several from Riverland Hills, as they share the Gospel across the globe!

If you feel called to contribute, you can do so by giving online, in-person, or by mail and checking “Missions; Lottie Moon.” Collections run through 12/31.

(OCC Verbiage) You can also build a box virtually until December 9 through the donation link below! Build a Shoebox Online

(Prisoner Packet verbiage post 11/10): This collection is now closed, but for more information on our Men’s and Women’s Prison Ministry, please visit our Missions page.

Operation Christmas Child

Annually, before Thanksgiving, we collect Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts—filled with fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items—and send them around the world to tangibly demonstrate God’s love and bring joy to a child in need! Boxes can be picked up from the church and packed in person from mid-October through mid-November. This collection is now closed; thank you to everyone who participated in person or online!

Prisoner Packets

Share God’s love and Christmas joy with inmates through care packages. For more information on our Men’s and Women’s Prison Ministry, please visit our Missions page.

This collection is now closed – thank you for giving!

Connie Maxwell Christmas store

Abounding Love, our Foster + Adoptive Care Ministry, is partnering with the Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministry to supply items for the Connie Maxwell Christmas Store. This is a way to provide children within their ministry to give gifts to their friends and families at Christmas time. This collection is now closed, but more information on Abounding Love and the Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministry can be found by visiting our Missions page!

Current Sermon Series

Join us for the sermon series “We Are: Painting a Picture of Living Faith.” Throughout this series, we are exploring how we as a church body are becoming disciples of Christ through “Living Faith.”

Family Advent Guide

Throughout Advent, we have prepared a reading plan for you and your family to celebrate the birth of Christ. Physical copies can be found at the church or you can download a digital guide here for you and your family to enjoy!

Twice a week throughout this Advent season, we’re asking our Pastors and Ministers, “What’s your favorite Advent scripture?” Head over to our Instagram to find their answers!

Celebrating Advent: A Devotional Series

Twice a week throughout this Advent season, we’re asking our Pastors and Ministers, “What’s your favorite Advent scripture?” Their answers and words of encouragement can be found below and on our social media pages!

Twice a week throughout this Advent season, we’re asking our Pastors and Ministers, “What’s your favorite Advent scripture?” Head over to our Instagram to find their answers!

Digital Invites

Download the images below to text to a friend or share on social media.

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