celebrate our resurrected king
Easter Event Calendar

RH Kids Easter Celebration
Sunday, April 6 | 4:00–6:30 PM | Riverland Hills Fields
The RH Kids Easter Celebration is a fun event for the whole family! Join us for a FREE hotdog dinner! All ages can enjoy bounce houses and egg hunts!
Egg Hunt Times:
Babies & 2 Year Olds: 5:30 PM | Preschool (3K – 4K): 5:35 PM | Elementary: 5:40 PM
Passion Week Gathering
Friday, April 18 | 6:00 PM
“…We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, through His flesh…”
Join us as we remember and reflect upon the cross of Christ through song, Scripture, and the Lord’s Supper.
Childcare provided for children 4K and younger. All other children please enjoy the service with your family!
Resurrection Sunday Services
Sunday, April 20th
Traditional* | 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM | Worship Center West
Modern* | 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM | Worship Center East
We want you to worship with us on Easter Sunday! Sunday school will be available during all services for children 4k and under.
*Sunday School only for 4K and younger. No Sunday School or Life Groups for other ages.
Looking for ways to give this Easter?

You can contribute to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering by giving in-person, by mail, or clicking the link below and checking “Missions; Annie Armstrong.”

Download the images below to text to a friend or share on social media.
Prayer Guide

Let’s celebrate the Good News together! Join us in preparing our hearts and praying together as we approach Resurrection Sunday. Download the Prayer Guide below!