Teaching Kids to Know and Follow Jesus
RH Kids is committed to partnering with families to teach our children to live the Gospel, love the world, and grow as disciples.
Our Preschool and Children’s Ministries focus on teaching the Bible in an active and engaging environment. Classes and groups are separated by age, and lessons are designed to appropriately reach and meet the needs of the various developmental levels of children. When we gather together, we focus on teaching children to live the Gospel, love the world, and grow as disciples.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 CSB
Vacation Bible School

June 10–13, 2024
Ages 4 (born on or before 9/1/2019) through 5th grade (completed 23/24 school year).
Listen to our VBS Spotify playlist
Stay tuned for more info on VBS 2025! June 9-12, 2025
Sunday School

Sunday School
9:30 & 11:00 AM
Sunday school is the perfect time for children to gather together and learn to become a disciple of Christ. We invite you to bring your children (ages Birth – 5th grade) to learn more about Jesus and make new friends.
Where to go
9:30 & 11:00
9:30 & 11:00
K-3rd Grade
9:30 & 11:00
4th-5th Grade
(B210) 9:30 & 11:00
During these Sunday school times, the children enjoy Music Time, Craft Time, Bible Story, and playground/fellowship time. Children are also given a small snack. Be sure to notify your child’s teacher if your child has a food allergy. Children 4K and younger are encouraged to stay for both Sunday School hours so that parents can participate in Worship and an adult Life Group class.
In Preschool, we use Hyfi curriculum which guides kids to learn who they are because of who Christ is. Hyfi’s biblically sound content presents a clear picture of Jesus and the gospel.
Each week, kids will enjoy games, Bible stories, crafts, and playground/fellowship time. They will learn how to apply the Bible story to their everyday lives. Children Kindergarten and older are encouraged to spend one hour in Sunday School and one hour in worship with their families. This allows families to grow together through worship, prayer and through example.
In our Elementary classes, we use Gospel Project for Kids which is a chronological approach to help kids see how Christ fits into the whole Bible, from pre-creation to eternity.
During these Sunday school times, the children enjoy Music Time, Craft Time, and Bible Story. Children are also given a small snack. Be sure to notify your child’s teacher if your child has a food allergy. Children 4 years old and younger are encouraged to stay for both Sunday school hours so that parents can participate in Worship and an adult Life Group class.
We use Gospel Project for Preschool which uses a chronological approach so kids will see how Christ fits into the whole Bible, from pre-creation to eternity.
Each week, kids will enjoy games, Bible stories, crafts, and playground/fellowship time. They will learn how to apply the Bible story to their everyday lives. Children Kindergarten and older are encouraged to spend one hour in Sunday school and one hour in worship with their families. This allows families to grow together through worship, prayer and through example.
We use Gospel Project for Kids which uses a chronological approach so kids will see how Christ fits into the whole Bible, from pre-creation to eternity.

WAMM is our midweek program for kids ages 3 to 5th grade to participate in an awesome time of discipleship on Wednesday night through Awana, Music and Missions.
Classes begin September 13th and run through May 1st.
5:45 – 6:25 PM Children’s Music
6:30 – 7:30 PM Awana and Missions
Childcare is available from 5:30 – 7:30 for children who are under 3 years old as of 9/1/23.
WAMM is our midweek program for kids ages 3 to 5th grade to participate in an awesome time of discipleship on Wednesday night through Awana, Music and Missions.
WAMM Fall Kickoff & Hotdog Dinner
Wednesday, August 28 – 5:45-7:30
Register for the FREE Hot Dog Dinner
Classes begin September 4th and run through April 23rd.
5:45 – 6:25 PM Children’s Music
6:30 – 7:30 PM Awana and Missions
Childcare is available from 5:30 – 7:30 for children who are under 3 years old as of 9/1/23.
Our children learn to worship through music. They grow as musicians and disciples as we use music and activities to support Scripture learning and musical concepts. There are opportunities to participate in worship services, a Christmas concert, and a musical at the end of the year.
Contact Brian Weseman, Children’s Music Associate, for more info.
This is our discipleship time for RH Kids. The children get to memorize a verse each week and are asked to come to WAMM prepared to say the verse. There is also time to review the verse once they arrive at WAMM, and WAMM bucks are given for each verse memorized. The children also have large group teaching time each week to help them dig deeper into God’s Word.
The children learn about what missions is, what missionaries do, and how they can live their faith as a missionary each day. We have mission speakers and ongoing mission projects throughout the year to teach the children how to live the Gospel.
Summer Camps

July 14-17, 2025
KidSalt is an overnight camp that focuses on sharing the gospel with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. This high energy, 4 day camp gives kids the chance to experience the message of Jesus during worship, Bible study, track times, and recreation!
This camp is currently full. Please email to be added to the wait list.
Camp McCall
Lads & Dads | August 1-3, 2025
Open to boys who just completed grades 1-4 and their dads.
Alpha Camp | July 25-27, 2025
Open to boys who just completed grades 1-12 and their dads.
Crusader Camp | June 2-6, 2025
Open to boys who just completed grades 4-12.
Camp LaVida
Mother Daughter Overnight | June 27-28, 2025
Open to girls who just completed grades 1-3 and their moms.
Mother Daughter Mini Camp (Bridge 1) | June 16-18, 2025
Open to girls who just completed grades 1-3 and their moms.
Girls Mini Camp (Bridge 2) | June 18-20, 2025
Open to girls who just completed grades 2-12.
Week Camp | June 23-27, 2025
Open to girls who just completed grades 3-12.
Save the Date for VBS 2025
June 9-12, 2025
Ages 4 (born on or before 9/1/2020) through 5th grade (completed 24/25 school year).
More information coming soon!

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The children will worship through music. They will grow as musicians and disciples as we use music and activities to support scripture learning and musical concepts. They will also have the opportunity to memorize hymns throughout the year. The older children will also have an opportunity to participate in supplemental performing arts groups.
During AWANA, children will memorize a verse each week. These verses are included in this packet for the children to work on before they come to WAMM each week. They will also have time to review the verse once they arrive at WAMM to get credit each week for memorizing this verse. The children will also have large group teaching time each week to help them to dig deeper into God’s word.
Through Mission Friends (4-5K), GAs (Girls in Action 1st-5th Grade Girls), and RAs (Royal Ambassadors, 1st-5th Grade Boys), children will learn about what missions is, what missionaries do, and how they can live their faith as a missionary each day. We will have ongoing mission projects throughout the year to teach the children how to live the gospel.
Common Questions

Check-In Stations are located at the entrances of our Nursery, Preschool, and Children’s Areas.
A Greeter will be there to help you get your child registered and will also help you get a security tag for your child.
We ask that parents not bring their children to church if they are sick or have had the following symptoms in the past 24 hours.
These guidelines apply to volunteers as well.
- Flu or COVID like symptoms
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Thick colored mucus
- Fever (100° or higher without fever reducer)
- Runny or infected eyes (Pink-eye, conjunctivitis, stye)
- Persistent or severe cough
- Strep throat
- Symptoms of childhood diseases (chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc.)
- Skin infections (boils, impetigo, unexplained rash, etc.)
- Head lice
Parents, please keep your phone near you while your children are in RH Kids activities in case of emergency.
In case of a fire alarm, all children will be escorted to the outer parking lot and will remain with their class/group. If it is a false alarm, we will return to the building when given the all clear. In case of a real fire, children will be released to parents from the parking lot using the normal security tag process. Parents should not come to the children’s area as they will not be allowed to enter the area during a fire alarm. We cannot safely interrupt an orderly emergency evacuation in order to release children to parents.
In the event of a medical emergency, we will first call 911 and attend to the child’s medical needs until medical professionals arrive. We will then contact the parents immediately.
In case of inclement weather, all children will be moved to interior rooms away from windows. Everyone will remain in these rooms until the weather event has passed. All parents should find shelter during the bad weather.
Parents should not come to the children’s area as they will not be allowed to enter the area during a severe weather incident. We cannot safely interrupt a sheltering in place process in order to release children to parents. We will dismiss children using the normal security tag process when it is safe to do so.
For Parents

Parent / Child Commissioning
Having a baby is such an exciting event and we are honored to be able to walk beside you during this milestone in your lives!
The Bible is clear about two things concerning children: they are an absolute blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and, it is your responsibility as parents to teach them about Jesus (Deuteronomy 6). We believe each of these biblical truths, and because we do, we want to equip you to live them out as you parent this precious new life the Lord has entrusted to your care.
To accomplish this together, we offer biblical parenting training sessions three times a year. These sessions take place on specific Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30 and will dive more deeply into the biblical truths about the gifts that children are and the practical ways you can train their hearts to know, love, and serve Jesus. Childcare is provided for those too young to participate in our normally scheduled WAMM activities.
The culmination of our biblical parenting training sessions will be our Parent Commissioning services—a special time during a Sunday morning worship service where we, as a church family, celebrate your baby as well as commission you to teach them about what it means to follow Jesus.
Please note that attending a training session will be a required prerequisite for participation in our Parent Commissioning services. Dates of available training sessions and Parent Commissioning services:
2025 Training Sessions:
January 22 (Sign-up by January 15)
April 9 (Sign-up by April 2)
September 24 (Sign-up by September 17)
2025 Parent Commissioning Services:
February 16
March 9
May 11
August 3
October 26
November 16
*Registration for 2025 dates coming this Winter.
You can sign up for a Parent Commissioning service date upon completion of the class.
Kids Baptism / My Faith Class
My Faith Class is a place where your child will walk through the basics of the Gospel and biblical reasons for baptism with RH Kids staff. We know that you, the parent, have the most influence on your child’s spiritual growth. Our ABC’s Of Becoming a Christian resource can aid as a discussion starter with your kids about understanding the Gospel and Salvation. We desire to give guidance during a time in which your kids are asking questions about the gospel, have made a profession of faith, or maybe just want to know more about Jesus! Sign up today for the next available membership class.
Check the registration for available dates
After taking this class, please call Theresa Holland at the Church Office (803) 772.3227 to schedule a meeting with a pastor regarding your child’s baptism.

Mom’s Time Out
In Mom’s Time Out, we come together to spread the loving message of Christ by cultivating relationships between mothers of young children in a supportive, fun and encouraging Christ-centered environment. We gather together for brunch, fellowship, Bible study, speakers, and kid-free/mom-time fun!
We meet from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of the month (September to April).
Childcare provided. Space is limited. Contact for more information or to sign up.

Grounded Homeschool Program
Grounded Homeschool Program is an educational, supplemental curriculum with a Christian perspective designed for homeschooling families in the areas of; Science, Art, P.E., Spanish and Literature
We meet every Thursday morning from September – May; 8:45 AM – 12:30 PM.
Cost: $225 per student for the school year
Classes divided by grade.
*Grounded moms volunteer twice a month for the Mom’s Time Out program nursery. You may bring your young children with you on those days.
Contact Kaitlin Tew ( / (803) 772.3227) to reserve your child’s spot or for more information.

If you are interested in helping serve within the Kid’s ministry on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights, please send us a message and let us know!
Nursery – contact
Preschool – contact
Elementary – contact
Kids Ministry Staff