To Know Christ and Make Him Known
Prayer matters. Prayer is simply talking to God. He is the all-powerful Creator who loves us and desires a relationship with us. He cares about our needs, difficulties, and concerns.
Prayer is an opportunity to give thanks, to confess our sins, to make requests, and to worship Him.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Phil 4:6 NLT

Pray Cola
Join a 24/7 prayer movement in Columbia, SC! Our greatest desire is to reach every man, woman, and child in Columbia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To do so we are partnering with churches across the Midlands to unite in prayer around some common goals. For more information contact Jonathan St Clair.
What are we praying for?
- Unbelievers to be saved.
- A national spiritual awakening.
- The unity of the church.
- Families.
- Racial reconciliation.
- Life to be valued and protected.
- Local and national government leaders.
Will you join us?
Commit to a specific time.
Riverland Hills has committed to cover the 23rd of each month in 24-hour prayer. We’re asking you to join us by signing up for a specific time slot to commit to 30 minutes of prayer.
Submit a Prayer Request
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