Senior Adults
Connecting, growing, and serving through implementing God's word
Come be a part of what God is doing in and through the lives of our Senior Adults at Riverland Hills!
We are committed to walking together as we follow Christ, demonstrating His love for us by loving one another.
“And this is His commandment: ‘We must believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us.'”
1 John 3:23
Riverland Hills is a welcoming community that takes the Lord’s command to “love one another” seriously! The best way to begin to do this is to connect with one another by checking out our activities below. All our activities are intended to make getting to know one another fun and easy. Come connect with us!
We are fully committed to growing in our Christian faith by the study and implementation of God’s Word. We believe in engaging with the entirety of Scripture. Intellectual knowledge is a good first step, but actually being “doers of the Word” is our primary goal as followers of Christ. Come grow with us!
We are dedicated to using our gifts and abilities to build God’s Kingdom. We do this by serving each other, serving our community, and serving around the world. Come serve with us!
Regular Gatherings

Join us on Tuesdays at 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall for a catered lunch ($5), followed by fun and fellowship, some singing, and a Bible study. Registration is required by noon on the Monday before each Oasis. Click the registration button below – enter your name, email address, and check the dates that you want to attend Oasis.
Monthly Worship
Once a month we will have a time of formal worship in the sanctuary after the Oasis meal and fellowship time.
Anna's Tea
A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Come to the Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month, starting September 9th through May 12th, from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Enjoy a light meal, some tea, of course, entertainment, and possibly making a craft or two – all while meeting new friends. This event is free but registration is required. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office, or email Kate.
Valentine’s Banquet
In February, we have an extra special time! Our Valentine’s Banquet is on February 10th. The fun begins at 12:30; note that this is an earlier start time, and we will meet in the Fellowship Hall.
A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Come to the Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month, starting September 9th through May 12th, from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Enjoy a light meal, some tea, of course, entertainment, and possibly making a craft or two – all while meeting new friends. This event is free but registration is required. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office, or email Kate.
** Please note that October’s event will be held on October 7th, and not the second Monday of that month. February’s Valentine’s Banquet will start at 12:30 PM instead of 1:30 PM.
The next Anna’s Tea will meet on April 14th, 2025.
A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Gather with friends on May 13th at 1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall as we sip some tea, eat some light refreshments, have some laughs, and enjoy some entertainment! No cost, but registration is required.
If you have any questions or need to cancel, please call the church office or email Linda.
A sweet time of fellowship for widows. Gather with friends from September through May as we sip some tea, eat some light refreshments, have some laughs, and enjoy some entertainment!
Anna’s Tea will meet again on September 9th, 2024. Look for registration to begin in August!
Night of Joy
Meets the second Thursday of each month in the Fellowship Hall, starting September 12th through May 8th – doors open at 5:30 PM. The evening includes a delicious meal and great entertainment for just $7. Sign up required and registration is open now. Sign up through the link below, call the Church Office, or email Kate.
April 10th: At our April Night of Joy, Doug and Tom Lawhead will perform as “The Faith Brothers.” They have retired from entertaining at business venues as “The Lawhead Brothers” and are now focusing only on Christian Service. This will be a great time with our dear talented friends as they transition to this new stage of their lives. Let’s celebrate together!
Meets the second Thursday of each month in the Fellowship Hall, starting September through May. The evening includes a delicious meal and great entertainment for just $7.
Night of Joy will meet again on September 12th, 2024. Look for registration to begin in August!
Special Events

Fun Day at Saluda Shoals
Don’t miss the fun at Saluda Shoals for our Covered Dish and BBQ Picnic on Thursday, May 1st, from 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM at the PawPaw Shelter!
You must register for this event, as space is limited, and notate if you will be bringing a side or dessert.
BBQ will be provided by Hudson’s!
Bring a chair to sit in and listen to the Randy Lucas Trio Bluegrass Band after we eat or just stay seated at the picnic tables!
Eat, fellowship, relax, laugh, meet new people, rekindle friendships…Just enjoy the day and each other!!
Saluda Shoals charges $3 a car, so feel free to carpool!
Don’t miss the fun at Saluda Shoals for our Covered Dish and BBQ Picnic in Spring 2025 at the PawPaw Shelter!
Eat, fellowship, relax, laugh, meet new people, rekindle friendships… Just enjoy the day and each other!!
Fall Festival
Our Fall Festival is a free, annual, in-reach and outreach event for anyone 55+. You don’t have to be a member of Riverland Hills to participate!
We always have games, live music, fun entertainment, door prizes, and lunch will be provided. Thanks to everyone who came out for our 2024 Fall Festival – stay tuned for more info on our 2025 event!
Thanksgiving Service
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 11:15 AM! Let’s join together in the Fellowship Hall for a fancy Thanksgiving feast, a formal time of worship in the sanctuary, and the Lord’s Supper. Psalm 7:17: I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High. Everyone is welcome to come for this Thanksgiving meal and program!
Trips & Retreats

Fall Retreat at Lake Junaluska
Monday, 10/14/24 – Wednesday, 10/16/24. We are headed to the Lake Junaluska Retreat Center in the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains for an in-depth Bible study along with loads of fun, all the food you can eat (including apples!!), and laughs! Watch for registration to open for the 2024 trip, and please join us this year!
Spring Trips
Week-long trips are scheduled around late April. In the past, these have included trips to Myrtle Beach, The Museum of the Bible, Washington, DC, Ark Encounter, The Creation Museum, to Tennessee – Christ in the Smokies Museum and Gardens and Christmas On The River, etc.
Springtime Jubilee Conference | April 28–30, 2025
This spring, we’re headed to Myrtle Beach for the Springtime Jubilee Conference! During this incredible gathering, you will be treated to live concerts by a wide variety of America’s top music and comedy like Gaither Vocal Band, Gold City, The Perrys, Blackwood Brothers, Tim Lovelace and much more. In addition to all of this great music and comedy, you will hear from some powerful speakers, Steve Gaines, Johnny Hunt, and Mike Whitson. Plus, we will sing your favorite hymns, enjoy fun fellowship and much more. The conference location is an abundance of entertainment options for your free time including numerous shows, large outlet malls, plus some great restaurants. You will definitely not run out of things to do while there!
More information to come – contact Kate if you have any questions!
Short Trips
Quarterly our group takes a short trip to some place in South Carolina. These are day trips and the cost is minimal. A great way to build relationships while having fun!!
Stay tuned for more upcoming trips!
The Billy Graham Library
We will leave the church at 9:30 AM and return around 4:00 PM. The library tour is free, so the only thing you’ll need to cover is the cost of your lunch in Charlotte. For more information regarding this trip or to sign up, call the Church Office or contact Linda.
Homebound Ministry

Caring for those at home.
A care-giving ministry to homebound members by our Deacons. This ministry is designed to reach out to our homebound senior adults and nursing home residents through telephone calls, visits, flowers, food, birthday observances, and to perform other duties as needed.
For more information about this ministry or to be added to our Homebound Ministry list, please contact Kate at the Church Office at (803) 772.3227.
Life Groups

Get connected with community.
Life Groups are small groups that meet regularly to connect in a healthy biblical community, pursuing spiritual growth that results in a Living Faith for everyone, everywhere, everyday.
Life Groups meet on campus every Sunday morning and at other times and locations throughout the week.