In every season of your financial journey, Riverland Hills is here.
At Riverland Hills we have a passion to help people grow in “Living Faith.” We know that real faith permeates all areas of life.
The financial realm is no exception. We want to be a church that not only teaches biblical principles of stewardship but helps you to put them into practice.
Just as the calendar has seasons, we realize that our financial situations have seasons as well. We desire to support you in both good and difficult times. Below you will discover ways your church wants to walk with you. We are family and families stick together. Please know that we are here for you and looking forward to growing together in the stewardship journey.
Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all. In Your hand are power and might, and in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.
Ramsey+ and Financial Peace University
Ready to live the life you really want? Redeem your FREE Ramsey+ membership and get exclusive access to the best money content and tools to help you get there faster. The best part? The whole membership is a gift from our church to you.
You get:
🎓 Financial Peace University
💵 The premium features of EveryDollar
☎️ Free group coaching
🎧 Audiobooks
📺 Livestreams
. . . And more!
Now, get out there and crush it—the good life is waiting.
Contact Tim Hawkins at to register.
Financial Peace University (FPU)
Sundays 9/10-11/5 | 4:00 PM | Room B204
We all need a plan for our money, and Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be.
FPU is now free to you as a gift from Riverland Hills!
Activate your free Ramsey+ Membership first, and then click the button below to sign up for FPU at no cost!
A Note From The Executive Director of Business and Operations
Some years ago, God called me into service at Riverland Hills. I came with a few things on my new job ‘to do’ list. Among those was a hope of expanding and growing our Stewardship Ministries.
Riverland Hills has always been blessed by the generous spirit of its members. But God’s call to stewardship is a journey, not a destination. None of us have arrived yet, and neither has our Stewardship Ministry. For example, each of us should be climbing up the generosity ladder at our own pace, reaching for that next rung (see linked “Generosity Ladder” resource). So too, our Stewardship Ministries need to be striving for that next level of effectiveness.
Of late, I have been feeling a renewed sense of excitement about the possibilities here at Riverland Hills. We’ve had an active Benevolence Ministry for many years. We’ve offered Financial Peace for 10 years. Not long ago we started up a Financial Coaching Ministry and an Estate Planning referral service. Now we are launching this Stewardship Page on our website, and making full-access to Ramsey+ and Financial Peace resources available to all our members.
In addition, I believe God may be calling us to continue our Journey together by:
- Offering a Discipleship Course on the Theology of Stewardship.
- Equipping our youth before they go off into the world on their own with basic financial tools, skills, and a biblical foundation for handling money.
- Making financially-focused Life Event courses available (helping our members adjust financially to life changes such as marriage, the birth of a child, or the loss of a spouse.
But I can’t do any of this alone. God has gifted each of us differently and He is calling each of us according to His purposes. When we serve together under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are sure to see lives changed and His Kingdom coming. If you feel called to be a part of our Stewardship Ministries here at Riverland Hills; let me know.
Your brother in Christ,